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Sharing documented stories with powerfull pictures on science and preservation of nature is a priority for me. The purpose of this work and to raise awareness among the general public about the beauty of our nature but also its fragility and its conservation issues.

Preserving nature: a no-brainer

Protecting and preserving nature has become obvious. So many animals on the brink of extinction because of our ignorance, our way of life and our passivity... Conservation is first and foremost a man’s story ready to take charge of his destiny to protect and preserve our natural environnment.

Know to better protect

Protecting the ecosystems and the species who lives among them requires knowledge. Scientists around the world are trying to understand the natural world who surround us. All this knowledge allows us to better understand conservation issues in order to propose appropriate responses and preserve the life in all it form.

Commitment through action

Specialised conservation organisations and NGOs dedicate themselves with unwavering motivation and optimism to preserve our Natural world. They sudy the issues with scientist, and take direct actions integrating the local communities. They make a real difference on the field to protect the wildlife and the people living next to them.

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