Scientific studie in Costa-Rica

The predation on Chesnut backed Antbird

Costa Rica, Pura biodiversidad !

Despite its small size, Costa Rica is one of the most biodiversity-rich countries in the world. More than 5% of the world’s species frequent its ecosystems. With an access policy on respect for nature and the development of eco-tourism, Costa Rica is a model for the rest of the world. Scientists from all over the world come to study its wild fauna in this laboratory of open air life.

Study of the Chestnut backed antbird

Déborah Visco, a PhD student at the University of Tulane in Louisiana (USA), wrote a thesis on this small bird quite common of the low tropical forests of Central and South America. To study birds, a great deal of data must be collected. To do this the birds are captured with small nets, gently handled, they are measured under all seams. They are then banded with small coloured rings that allow them to be recognized in their natural environment.

Predation, a mechanism of evolution

Deborah, in his study, focused on the nest predation of this little bird. To be able to identify these predators, you first have to find the bird nests, then a camera is discreetly installed in order to track their activity 24 hours over 24 hours. This device was used to identify its predators. The study showed that it is mainly a species of Pseustes poecilonotus that eats the eggs and chicks of this nest bird.

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